
It snowed, at last! It's been a long day, yesterday. It started very early it's been hectic and because this is London, where a flake of snow halts pretty much everything, my day ended with a 90 minutes car journey to cover just 7 (seven) miles. When I realised that after dinner the sky cleared... Continue Reading →

Abu Dhabi Skyline

Probably those three local guys who approached me asking a lot of questions on what I was trying to do with my gear thought I was a bit crazy. I was trying to set and fix a tripod with a camera on top of it to get a steady shot from a platform floating on... Continue Reading →

Tower Bridge low tide

I have a feeling that not many people, even among those living in London, are familiar with the size and effect that the North Sea tide has, and potentially may have on the Thames and London itself. So here is a brief summary. Every approximately twelve hours the sea pushes so much water back in... Continue Reading →

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